Applus+ in Papua New Guinea partners with Transparency International Papua New Guinea (TIPNG)

In October 2022, Applus+ PNG Ltd signed an MoU with Transparency International Papua New Guinea (TIPNG) marking a significant contribution to the social and corporate governance activity of this NGO in Papua New Guinea.

In this partnership, Applus+ will be supporting TIPNG with the provision of pro bono recruitment, utilising our extensive experience and knowledge in this space as an HR partner to build a team who share the same commitment as TIPNG to empower people in Papua New Guinea to combat corruption.

With a growing database and specialised recruitment consultants placed in Papua New Guinea, Applus+ has become a trusted partner in recruitment over the last 30 years. Globally, we have a yearly Code of Ethic refreshment that covers Corruption as one of the key topics, and this MoU highlights alignment with the Applus+ Code of Ethics and strengthens our position as an industry leader with a driven desire to have a positive impact in Papua New Guinea.

Photo Credit: Transparency International Papua New Guinea (TIPNG)