Ok Tedi Mining Limited’s (OTML) Geology and Exploration Department celebrates an 11-year Milestone
Ok Tedi Mining Limited’s (OTML) Geology and Exploration Department celebrated a milestone of 11 Years without a Lost Time Injury (LTI) on the 21st of June.
The last recorded LTI for the team was in March 2011.
Manager Geology and Exploration, Oala Rarua, said they are grateful to their staff and business partners on the milestone achievement.
“Our gratitude goes out to our team in the bush who are exposed to harsh weather conditions, all the helicopter risks with loading and unloading, and also our Resource team back in the mine pit, working in close vicinity to haul trucks and other heavy equipment. We also thank our laboratory team, who do a fantastic job in keeping safe while working with rotating equipment and chemicals,” said Mr Rarua.
“We also acknowledge our various business partners who contribute to our success as a department.”
Mr Rarua said his team will continue to maintain this excellent safety record.
“We will continue this trend going forward to ensure there is Zero Harm in our workplace so that we contribute in achieving OTML’s Vision 2025 which is to make Ok Tedi the safest mine in PNG.”
Deputy General Manager Mining, David Laulau, applauded the Department given the various risks the team is exposed to in the field.
“We congratulate the Geology and Exploration team for this milestone achievement. They cover a wide area of operation, the terrain they operate in is very rough and the weather is always a challenge. I commend Mr. Rarua and his team for the dedication and commitment to safety,” Mr Laulau said.
The OTML Safety Department team led by Manager Safety, Anna Ila congratulated the department on the milestone, saying it was an indication of the team’s commitment towards working safely.
“Such an outcome is mainly achieved when you have not only the management, but those on the shop floor committing to work safely.”
She also challenged the department to focus on preventing minor incidents such as near misses, minor injuries and equipment damage, and ensuring critical controls are being implemented to avoid serious incidents from occurring.