The Embassy of the Republic of Korea collaborates with GGGI in hosting a seminar on REDD+ and Carbon Credits in Papua New Guinea

Kamapim Madang General Manager Ms. Nancy Irwin (front row, third from left) ERoK Ambassador Kang Ho Jeung (front row, fourth from left) CCDA Mitigation and REDD+ Division General Manager Ms. Gwen Sissiou (front row third from right), GGGI PNG Country Representative Mr. Sakiusa Tuisolia (front row, second from right) and other participants of the seminar.
The Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI), in collaboration with the Embassy of the Republic of Korea hosted a seminar on “Reflecting on REDD+ and Carbon Credits in Papua New Guinea”. The event was attended by REDD+ experts from PNG’s Climate Change and Development Authority (CCDA), Korea’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs (RoK), and the Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI) as well as experts representing different sectors in PNG.
The Seminar aimed to promote the understanding of REDD+ and REDD+ implementation in PNG, Carbon Market Regulation, and Carbon Credit Schemes. The event also drew attention to a case study of the REDD+ Kamapim projects of PNG and the prospects for REDD+ and carbon credits in the country.
His Excellency Kang Ho Jeung Ambassador of the Republic of Korea (ROK) in PNG, emphasized the importance of addressing climate change issues in the Pacific region. He further highlighted ROK’s Oversees Development Assistance (ODA) for the Pacific region, and the significance of collaborating among countries. “Addressing climate change takes more than one country’s effort. Instead, it requires solidarity between more countries, and I hope that this event will provide an opportunity for the two countries to strengthen cooperation in response to climate change,” Ambassador Kang Ho Jeung said.
Mr. Sakiusa Tuisolia, GGGI’s PNG Country Representative, shared the same sentiments, emphasizing the need for solidarity among countries to address the climate crisis. He thanked Ambassador Kang for ROK’s continuous support to GGGI and PNG, further emphasizing the importance of PNG’s Forest preservation through carbon trade. “We have to make sure that all players work together so that PNG and its people get the best deal out of carbon trade,” Mr. Tuisolia said.
Keynote remarks and a keynote presentations were made respectively by CCDA’s Mitigation and REDD+ Manager, Ms. Gwen Sissiou, and Climate Change Diplomacy Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, RoK, Mr. Seyhuk Lee. While reflecting on the implementation and national framework of REDD+ in PNG, speakers stressed that REDD+ is seen as an opportunity to bring climate-compatible development to PNG. Nevertheless, speakers noted that it is a lengthy process, and PNG is yet to monetize carbon credits at this time, looking forward to working with RoK in this endeavor. Mr. Lee’s presentation highlighted RoK’s carbon-neutral frameworks and ROK’s ambitions to address climate change issues globally. He further stated that RoK has the knowledge, capacity, and willingness to assist PNG in the areas of forestry and looks forward to cooperating with PNG to help in its REDD+ activities, all while conserving PNG’s largest tropical rainforests and addressing climate change issues simultaneously.
An interactive discussion session on the current REDD+ implementation in PNG concluded the event, what is needed to improve, the potential PNG forests have with their carbon credits, and the stringent requirements and conditions of the global carbon markets regulation.